Wednesday, 28 May 2014

'Twas on a fine May morning…

Except that it wasn't… It was an awful morning with horizontal rain and just enough of a breeze to chill you through once you were soaked!

But I'd made up my mind to pop out and photograph Compass Tours 'The Canterbury Tales Explorer' rail tour as it stopped at Langley Mill this morning so off I went…

37402 and 37405 pause at Langley Mill with Compass Tours' 'The Canterbury Tales Explorer' on 28/5/1437402 and 37405 pause at Langley Mill, 28/05/14

The tour started off from Crewe at 05.23 and was due to arrive in Canterbury (via a circuitous route) at 13.46 for a three hour stop before making the return trip. 37402 Stephen Middlemore 23.12.1954-8.6.2013 and 37405 seemed to be making light work of a multicoloured rake of nine coaches and departed bang on time at 08.05.

Compass Tours have an interesting and varied programme of trips with starting points all over the country and although I haven't yet travelled with them I've heard very good reports from those who have and I'm very tempted by one of their Scottish tours.

Now, if only they could do something about the weather!

Monday, 12 May 2014

A railway related pint - The M&GN Bar

Muddle and Go Nowhere beer mat'Muddle and Go Nowhere Bar' beer mat, 12/04/14

I've mentioned my fondness for combining railways and real ale before and that combination was my other reason for my second visit in two days to the North Norfolk Railway a couple of weekends ago.

The 'Muddle and Go Nowhere* Bar' is housed in a beautifully restored London & North Eastern Railway Gresley Buffet Car (b.1937, York) currently turned out in British Railways crimson and cream livery and carrying the number E9128E.

Gresley buffet cat E9128E at Sheringham on the North Norfolk RailwayThe 'Muddle and Go Nowhere Bar' Gresley Buffet Car E9128E, 12/04/14

The car is expected to be running during special events at the NNR and a number of other weekends besides, provisional details of which can be found on the M&GN Joint Railway Society website here.

It being an out of season visit only one real ale was available on draught, 'Wolf Ale' from Norfolk's own Wolf Brewery at Besthorpe near Attleborough and after what I can only describe as 'extensive tests' I can report that it's a delicious, copper coloured brew with just the right amount of hops (Goldings and Challenger, should you be curious) resulting in what I'd call 'a proper pint' and I'm certainly looking forward to sampling more Wolf Brewery beers in the future.

* The phrase 'Muddle & Go Nowhere' was an affectionate nickname bestowed on the Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway as a result of its route serving mostly rural areas of Lincolnshire and Norfolk.