Tuesday, 30 November 2010

In the beginning…

4501545015 at Derby station, 25/4/84

I'd been 'trainspotting' for nearly a year before I took my first railway photograph. I'd borrowed a Zenit TTL 35mm SLR for a school trip and decided to finish the roll of film at my usual haunt of Derby station. I saw four Class 45 'Peaks' on this particular day and have no idea why I chose to photograph this particular one, 45015 (the former D14) especially as I had to point the camera almost directly into the sun to do so!
I remember being happy with the shot at the time though and that was all that mattered…
As far as I'm aware 45015 is still in existence (although apparently not for long…) at the Battlefield Line in Leicestershire.



Welcome to my railway related ramblings… For the last 27 years I've been interested in railways… Real ones, model ones… If flanged wheels running on steel rails are involved chances are I'll find it interesting.
As the word 'Rudderless' may suggest there'll be no definite direction to what I write so hopefully all sorts of things will feature here and I hope that you'll be able to find something of interest.